Friday 31 August 2012

Marble Nails!

I'm always looking for new ways to 'jazz' up my nails. Marble nails is a technique I have attempted many times and never been able to master. But finally a few days ago, I managed to figure out how to do it properly and easily!  So I thought I would share ' the way of the marble nail' with you all.

 - You will need:
- Glass of water
- Cotton Buds
- Cotton Pads/Tissue
- Nail Polish Remover
- Chosen colours of nail polish

- Apply a light coloured base coat.

- Drop in one of the chosen colours of nail polish.

- Add different colours. Keep the drops of nail polish close together.

-Cut in half a cotton bud, and use the end without the cotton on, to pull the colours together and create a pattern of your personal choice. You can create so many different patterns with the polish, so just find a pattern which works for you!

- Slowly put your nail into the water. Place it on the area you want the pattern on your finger to be.

- Then take the other end of the cotton bud, and swirl in the water around your finger, to get rid of the excess nail polish.

- Remove the nail from the water slowly.

- Use the nail polish remover and cotton pads to remove the excess nail polish on the finger, then use a cotton bud, to remove the nail polish closer to the nail so you get a clean finish.

- Clean the edges up as much as you can, then apply a clear top coat to protect the nail polish from chipping easily.

- Repeat the process for all nails, or only do one nail as a 'statement nail'.  You can use lots of different colours, but I chose only 2 colours so it was a subtle effect.

Hope this has helped anyone wanting to achieve the Marble Nails look. If you have any questions, or need any advice, then leave a comment below and I will reply as soon as possible! 

Sunday 19 August 2012

Leopard Look!


 So at the weekend I was heading to a fancy dress party. I didn't have much money to be able to spend on a great costume, so I knew I had to do something good with my make-up. On the night of the party, I didn't have as much time as i'd of hoped to get ready so I had to whip up something quick and simple. So here it is.... 

 I planned on doing the designs on the sides of my face. I applied my usual plain make-up to begin with( foundation,mascara etc.). Pin back your hair so it doesn't stick to the design you are about to do.

 I then took a bronzer to add depth to the design.
Here I used Laura Geller Balance N Brighten.

I applied the bronzer to the outside of my face and down to my neck. This is a guideline as to where you want your print going.

Take any colour you wish to use.. I chose pink as it went with my lilac/pink hair well.  I used a Rimmel London pink lipstick.  Make lots of different size and shape circles from your forhead down to your cheek bone, then down to your neck. Make sure they all have some space between them.

Take a black eyeliner. I found Gel liner was the best to use. Here I used Bobbi Brown Gel Liner in Black Ink. Take a medium sized brush and apply a tick amount to the brush.

Roughly go around the shapes you have done. Making it rough gives the effect of there actually being fur.

Continue the same technique down the face. and add some black rough lines in between some of the coloured print.

Take the black liner and create a small winged line on the outer corner of the eye. Then take a black pencil liner and fill inside the water line and make a small subtle point on the inner corner.

Do the same to the other side of the face. They don't have to match at all.. that's what makes it so easy and quick!

Below are a few camera phone quality photos of both the sides complete. Hope this helps anyone attending a fancy dress party soon or just wanting to try it out for fun! If you have any questions then feel free to leave a comment and i'll reply as soon as possible! 

Thursday 16 August 2012

DHC Deep Cleansing Oil

So the other day I received my GlossyBox, and was very excited to try out this Deep Cleansing Oil by DHC. My skin type i'd say is normal/dry, so oil cleansers help my skin a lot and prevents it from drying up!  Even after the first use I could feel the difference in my skin! It was so clean and soft. I love products that even after the first use, you can feel the difference its made, and you know it's working/worked.  It is so easy and quick to use, and that's a key factor for me when choosing a new skincare product. I don't occasionally have 10-15 mins to be waiting around for one product to work, so I look for products which are fast and effective- which this is.
It took my make-up off perfectly, and this is a good thing coming from me as I usually prefer make-up wipes to remove my make-up.   I will definitely be purchasing this in the full size bottle which retails at various different prices for the sizes available- the cheapest one is 30ml and this costs £3.50 but for the largest bottle which is 200ml it costs £18.50. I received the 30ml product, which I think is a great size for if your trying out the product, and isn't pricey at all. A little goes a long way with this product. I've used it a good few times now, and it still looks like there is a full bottle!
 I hadn't previously heard of the DHC brand at all but I have to admitt, i'm very impressed with their product!  

If you want to take a look at this product then visit the DHC website..  ( This is the UK website, but there is also a website available for America and Canada )

If you want to check out GlossyBox and what it's all about, then click the link...

Any questions? Leave a comment below and I'll reply as soon as possible :)