Monday 20 January 2014

I finally got round to buying the Sleek Contour and Blush Palette...

So after recently purchasing the Sleek Make-Up Face Form Countouring and Blush Palette, I figured why not do a review and maybe a tutorial on how to contour correctly with this product. So over the next couple of weeks I will have all this coming your way, so stay glued to Beautiful Illusion! xo

To see more photos like the one above, and see my recent purchases before anyone else, follow me on instagram: @alexandraking__

It's that time of year again...

Just like last year i'm hoping to attend IMATS London again, I had the most amazing time last year and I adored every aspect of it. I was surrounded by everything I love, and it was a perfect day out! So it's time to get saving my pennies if I want to go this year!
If you haven't been before, it is honestly a wonderful day out!! Every corner you turn there is more and more amazing make-ups to witness, and who can forget the discounted prices across most major brands ;)
So who else is planning on going ey!?

Once again i'm going to have a voting bar at the side of my page, as i'm curious to who of my blog readers is going to be taking a trip down too!

Below are a few photos from my IMATS London 2013 trip, I had a great time and it's a memory that will stay with me always :)

 Keep up to date with my life and make-ups by following me on twitter and instagram:

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Maintain/Create Silver Hair

I am a pure lover of silver hair, and when I get round to it, will always tone my hair back to silver.
So here is my quick tip to getting/maintaining it!

I have extremely light blonde hair, due to this, it can sometimes ( like any blonde ) look yellow!

Now i'm sure most people have heard of/used Touch of Silver Shampoo to get rid of the yellow from there hair... but keep it on for a longgg time and out comes the silver/grey!!

On dry hair, take Touch Of Silver- Twice A Week Brightening Shampoo, and apply all over your hair evenly, I suggest doing this on a night or when you don't have anything to do for a couple hours!
Depending on how silvery you want it, leave it on for atleast an hour, wash off and tadaaaa!

Here is my before and after....

A bad quality photo, my appologies!
This was taken a week ago just before a night out, although a dark photo, you can see how my hair is a very light blonde.

2 hours of toner shampoo left on my hair, and this silvery beauty was born!

The shampoo is extremely cheap, roughly around the £3 mark, but is 100% worth getting.
Even if I don't use it to tone my hair, it still keeps my blonde looking fresh and gorgeous!

Any questions, as always leave a comment below!
And welcome back to the Beautiful Illusion blog!

Welcome Back Beautiful Illusion...

Exactly what it says in the title! I'm back!Lets keep racking up them page views, and providing some knowledge on all things beauty shall we!

Much Love xo