So first of all I want to say sorry for not having posted anything in a while! Been so busy with college etc. that I just haven't found the time to post much!
Anyways back to the main point of this post... I received my Glossy Box for this month a few weeks back and got a tester of Gaga's perfume.
I'm not going to lie... I am a big fan of Lady Gaga so I had been wanting to smell her perfume since it came out not so long ago! But I'm also aware that celebrities perfumes, well, they aren't the greatest to put it nicely. I find that usually they all smell very similar, the bottles they come in are very plain and simple, and frankly.. they don't even smell very appealing.
So I was taken to a surprise when I discovered the fact I loved the smell of Gaga's perfume and it was nothing like other typical celebrity perfumes! It's a strong scent and is what I would call a 'winter perfume'... to people who don't understand what I mean by that... it isn't overly floral, and it's a nice heavy scent. So of course, I fell in love with this perfume instantly and was determined to save up my money( as I am skint recently ) to be able to buy it! Lucky for me, my adorable boyfriend bought me it as a surprise the other day, which I was soooo happy about! The actual perfume liquid is the first of its kind, as the liquid is black in the bottle, but when it hits air it becomes clear!
The bottle it comes in I find beautiful! I hate when I usually pay a lot of money for a perfume, and it comes in a plain simple bottle. I usually throw away the bottles from my perfumes once i'm done with them if they are simply designed, but this is one I shall be keeping as it looks so damn cool! The bottle is what I would say is very 'typical' Gaga... by this I mean it represents her perfectly.
It is definitely a perfume I recommend going and testing in Boots, Superdrug etc. It really has a beautiful scent to it!
One flaw I have to admit, is I've found it doesn't last very long on my skin. Which is a shame, but it still doesn't stop me loving it! Everybody has different skin though, so although it may not last long on mine, it could last all day long on someone else.